============================== Sample Solution to Exercise #3 ============================== -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca Student Name: Eileen Dover Algonquin EMail Address: abcd0123 Student Number: 123-456-789 Course Number: DAT 2330 Lab Section Number: 019 Professor Name: Ian Allen Assignment Name/Number/Date: Exercise #3 due September 17, 2003 Comments: Sample Solution to Exercise #3 a) FALSE - the shell expands the /usr/* GLOB pattern and passes many file names as arguments to the cat command b) FALSE - GLOB patterns that do not match anything are left unchanged by the shell and are passed unchanged as arguments to the given command c) FALSE - character-range GLOB patterns may contain two characters separated by a dash; they match any single character in the range from the first character upwards to the second character, e.g. any single digit ==> [0-9] any single lower-case letter ==> [a-z] any single upper-case letter ==> [A-Z] any single letter (upper or lower) ==> [a-zA-Z] any single alphanumeric (letter or digit) ==> [0-9a-zA-Z] d) FALSE - the shell metacharacter '?' matches any single character; the pattern ???? therefore matches a name containing exactly four characters, no more, no less