============================= Basic Unix/Linux Command List ============================= -IAN! idallen@idallen.ca This is a list of basic Unix/Linux command names used in DAT2330 and the week in which they were first introduced and described. A missing week means the command hasn't been formally introduced yet. All these command names have manual pages (though some of them are built-in to the shell and are described in the man page for the bash shell). Keep a notebook with these command names in it; you will be required to learn and remember what all of these commands do: 4 apropos 6 awk 1 bash 14 bzip2, bunzip2 4 cal 2 cat 2 cd (shell built-in) 8 chmod 2 cp 1 date 6 diff 4 du 2 echo (shell built-in and external) 2 exit (shell built-in) 8 export (shell built-in) 11 false 10 fg, bg (shell built-in) 2 file 4 find 14 gcc, g++ 4 grep 8 groups 14 gzip, gunzip 4 head 4 hostname 8 id 11 if/else/fi (shell built-in) 10 jobs (shell built-in) 6 last 2 less 15 ln 8 lynx 2 ls 8 mail 14 make 2 man 8 mesg 3 mkdir 2 more 3 mv 1 passwd 10 printenv 3 ps 2 pwd (shell built-in and external) 2 rm 2 rmdir 10 set (shell built-in) 8 scp 4 script 3 sleep 1 ssh 3 sort 1 stty 6 sum 4 tail 14 tar 11 test (shell built-in) 4 touch 6 tr 11 true 8 umask (shell built-in) 6 uniq 1 vi, vim 8 wget 8 whereis 8 which 8 write 2 wc 2 who