--------------------------- Week 11-B Notes for DAT2330 --------------------------- -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca Remember - knowing how to find out the answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) These notes are largely based on lectures by Harold Smith: - DAT2330 - Harold Smith Class - Thu Jan 27, 2000 --------------------------------------- MVS JCL Example 1 and attached homework --------------------------------------- - the written instructions for each example and homework are instructions to compile and test a program (usually COBOL) - how do we actually code the JCL (as on the job)? - we will assume many JCL defaults to start - few things to learn at the beginning - each example will be a real, working JCL job - look up each of the parameters in the IBM Manual as you first use it - start with a flow diagram (not formal; only to help visualize) - flow diagrams are never required, never marked, usually helpful Step One - Flow Diagram ----------------------- - EXEC PROC=COBOLCLG step - what are we being asked to do? - develop JCL to compile and run a program (Compile/Link/Go) - start with title on flow diagram - JOB name is 8 chars - review JCL Syntax Rules from the IBM Manual as you code - flow diagram: put the JOB title on top: CBLTSTE1 - Your Name - how many boxes for compile, link, and run COBOL? - C.L.G. requires three programs: 1. compiler, 2. linker, 3. my program - refer to the CLG process flow diagram in Notes - three programs means three steps (three EXEC PGM= needed) - but I can do all three steps in one EXEC, using a single system PROC - use a "catalogued procedure" (a "PROC") named: COBOLCLG - system procedures come from SYS1.PROCLIB (remember this name) - wc can call in this already-written procedure (similar to a "macro") - use one box for this CGL step, a dotted box in the flow diagram - EXEC PGM= uses solid boxes in diagram; EXEC PROC= uses dotted boxes - find out the three step names (C.L.G.) used inside the PROC - the three C.L.G. step names are given in the JCL specifications: Compile: COMP; Link: LINK; Go: TEST - these are the names of the three hidden steps inside the PROC - our DDnames must be given *in this step order* in our own JCL - all the COMP DD statements must come before the TEST DD statements when we code the JCL, because step COMP happens before step TEST - different coding for procedure (PROC=) and program (PGM=) steps - a PROC has most of the JCL; but, not all the info about the job - e.g. missing OUTLIM for printing? - e.g. what kind of test data is needed? - e.g. where does output go? - e.g. where does the input come from? - our JCL can supply DD statements for information not given in the PROC - e.g. from where does the COBOL source come? - our JCL can specify information that over-rides default assumptions made by the PROC; we can over-ride DD statements used in the PROC - e.g. we could over-ride the default destination for the compile listing - flow diagram for a PROC: create a dotted box - we get to choose our own step name for the dotted box: CLG - put the name of the PROC in the middle of the box: COBOLCLG - order of DDnames we specify in our JCL must match order of steps in the PROC: - the internal PROC steps are given as: COMP, LINK, TEST - draw instream COBOL source program as an oval labelled "cobol source" - program is on SYSIN DDname, but SYSIN to which step in the PROC? - must qualify DD name; must know names of three steps inside the PROC - we *must* use the step name (COMP) chosen by PROC writer - how to find out what step name was used by the PROC writer? - ask the sysadmin; or, just try something and look at the errors! - JCL error messages will tell us if our step guess doesn't match PROC (it is a JCL error because the JES processor can't match up the step we code with the step actually hidden in the PROC) - arrow labelled COMP.SYSIN goes from source oval to main PROC box - COMP is the step name already coded inside the PROC - SYSIN is the DDname used by the compiler in the COMP step - you must supply compiler input using the expected DDname - HINT: cross out each sentence in the specification as you do it on a test - anything left over will need doing - nothing more to do for the COMP step in the PROC - the only item missing from the PROC was the SYSIN DDname used by the compiler to read the source program that needs compiling - the rest of JCL for the COMP step is supplied by the PROC - there is nothing at all to do for the LINK step in the PROC - the default JCL used for linking already in the PROC will work for us - later, we will see how to modify the JCL of the link step - the "Go" step of CLG is named "TEST" according to the specifications - the specifications indicate that it will require four DDnames - the DDnames are: INDATA, UPDTMST, LSTIN, PRINTOP - code this in the JCL as: TEST.INDATA, TEST.UPDTMST, TEST.LSTIN, etc. - draw another oval for instream Test Data, label "test data" - where does test data come from? From DD name INDATA in step TEST - DD name is TEST.INDATA on arrow from oval to dotted box - "dotted boxes require dotted DDnames on their arrows" - why not test programs with live data on datasets? - maybe it might damage the real data (could back it up?) - live data may not test all my conditions - may only test the IF part of IF ELSE - design the test data to exercise all parts of the program - an "update" step is both input and output - dataset must already exist for an update step - actual dataset has a name (DSN=) of TESTMAST - find the DDname needed by examining the actual COBOL source code - find the DDname used at the end of the COBOL "SELECT" statement - SELECT MAST-FILE ASSIGN TO UPDTMST <= UPDTMST is the DDname FD MAST-FILE <== MAST-FILE is the internal, COBOL name RECORD CONTAINS 100 CHARACTERS BLOCK CONTAINS 10 RECORDS - we must specify a dataset for the DDname UPDTMST in step TEST - arrow labelled as TEST.UPDTMST points to TESTMAST disk symbol - why not put DSname (actual name of dataset) right in the source? - would hard-wire the program to that dataset - have to rewrite the program to change datasets - want one level of indirection: DDname to dataset name - another level of redirection gives COBOL a MAST-FILE name - the DSname may have to change if we port to another o/s - insulate COBOL from change in DDname - tape dataset name is PRODLIST for the LSTIN DDname - draw a tape symbol and label it with the name PRODLIST - we must specify the DDname LSTIN, used in step TEST - draw an arrow labelled TEST.LSTIN - print some output - DDname is PRINTOP in step TEST - flow diagram arrow is labelled TEST.PRINTOP - Remember: dotted boxes (PROCs) require dotted DDnames - write the DDnames for PROC's with dots, as . Step Two - Flow Diagram ----------------------- - EXEC PGM=VERDATA step - this is an actual program, not a cataloged procedure (not a PROC) - draw a solid (not dotted) box for a PGM= step - label the step box "VERIFY" and put the program name VERDATA inside - draw an input arrow from disk symbol and the dataset labelled TESTMAST that was created in the previous step (step one) - the arrow needs a DDname (the VERDATA program expects to use it); but, the input DDname is not given in the specifications! - you cannot invent your own DDName - you must use the DDname expected by the given program (VERDATA) - go "fish" for name of DDname for program VERDATA - program probably in SYS1.LINKLIB - find the documentation - old production programs may not have source code any more - you can always: run the job and see what run-time errors you get - make a *guess* at INPUT or SYSIN for the DDname, label the arrow - when VERDATA runs, it will look for its correct DDnames and will issue run-time error messages if it cannot find them - also need the missing the DDname for print output (to be held for TSO) - the output DDname is also not given in the specifications! - guess at OUTPUT or SYSPRINT for the DDname, label the arrow - run-time errors will tell us what DDname the program (VERDATA) expects - VERDATA must actually execute before the error will be found (a DDname error is *not* a JCL error; it is a run-time error) - end of Flow Diagram Coding the JCL for Example 1 ---------------------------- - UPPER CASE ONLY (run your JCL through a Unix tr command!) - use fixed-width (monospace) font for JCL so that blanks are clear - UNIX VI does this automatically (text only) - choose a Courier or Terminal font, if using a word processor - don't go past column 71 - use ":set ruler" in Unix VIM (not available in VI) - no blanks after commas! (blanks start JCL comments!) - continuation cards must start in cols 4-16 - blanks start comments after third column - be careful Start of Step One ----------------- First is the JOB statement. It always has two positional parameters (account code and programmer name) and is followed by optional keyword parameters. We always select and code a CLASS= parameter for the job. //CBLTSTE1 JOB 04W$EX1,'MY NAME',CLASS=B - you get to choose a meaningful 8-character job name for this job - watch out for the two positional parameters on JOB statement - keyword parms always follow two positional parameters on JOB card - use specified account code - job account billing is often done even if it's your own computer - the MVS shop tracks which team uses more/less CPU Picking a CLASS= for the JOB card - not a random choice - you must calculate this correctly - CLASS: indicates resources required by the *entire* job (all steps) - similar to priority, but technically not a priority - classes are defined by each MVS shop; check with your sysadmin (classes will be different for each homework and on tests) - see the JCL examples for sample job classes - complex jobs may take longer to set up and run - use class letter closest to 'A' for best turn-around time - calculate which class satisfies job, closest to A - operator may kill or extend job when it runs out of resources - automated software may do this, not a human - Depending on the resource limits of your job classes, chosing a job CLASS is determined by ether the *maximum* or the *total* resources used by your job. Job CLASS is determined by: - the sum *total* number of print (SYSOUT) lines, in all steps, no matter whether the lines are sent to a real printer or back to you via to TSO - the sum *total* amount of computer time used, in all steps - the *maximum* number of tape drives being used *simultaneously* in any *one* step - NOTE: *not* the *total* number, only the *maximum* number - NOTE: PROCs containing multiple steps are seen as multiple steps; three tape drives used in a step that calls a PROC may still only count as "one tape drive per step" if the PROC only uses one tape drive at a time in each of the internal steps in the PROC - a job that uses ten tapes may be a "one-tape-drive" job, if the job has ten steps and only uses one tape drive in each step - the *maximum* memory used in any one step NOTE: *not* the sum total of all memory, only the *maximum* memory //CLG EXEC PROC=COBOLCLG - you get to choose a meaningful 8-character step name for this step - don't call it an unhelpful name such as STEP1 or FIRST - a catalogued PROC must be from the system library (use the exact name) - remember the name: SYS1.PROCLIB is where PROC's come from - check your flow diagram to count DD statements (one for each arrow) - we count 5 DD statements (two output, three input) - all three internal proc step names were given in the specification: COBOL, LINK, and TEST (compile step, link-edit step, go step) - if these weren't given, you'd have to fish for them by asking around or by running your JCL and looking at the PROC listing when it aborts - bad guesses for step names generate JCL errors, not run-time errors (because the JES processor can't match the step name used in your JCL with the the step name actually used in the PROC) - what is the output of the COBOL step inside the COBOLCLG proc? - what output does a compiler produce (refer to CLG diagram in Notes)? - should I put in my JCL a DD statement to handle this output? - no, that's handled by the PROC (which is why we use a PROC!) - don't specify DD statements for things done correctly by the PROC - what is the ordering of DD statements for MVS? - order of DD statements when using a PROC must be in PROC step order - put COBOL DD statements before LINK statements before TEST statements - the DD order *within* each step doesn't matter to MVS - JCL style: some shops prefer that you put instream data *last* (Guideline: put output DD before input DD, with instream data very last) //COMP.SYSIN DD * ...your actual COBOL source program goes here... ...this is fed to the COBOL compiler via the SYSIN DDname... /* - This instream data DDname has to come first, because it's part of the COMP step. All the COMP DD statements must precede all the TEST DD statements; because, that's the order of the steps in the COBOLCLG PROC we're using. - you must specify DD statements in the order of the steps in the PROC - this is an MVS rule: must be in PROC step order - remember the /* delimiter to end the COBOL (and all other) instream data The order of the DD statements within the TEST step can follow the guideline of "output first, input last, instream data very last". (MVS doesn't care; it's just good style to put instream data at the bottom where it doesn't break up your JCL as much.) //TEST.PRINTOP DD SYSOUT=A - the SYSOUT parameter always means an output DD (output spool queue) - SYSOUT= classes are different from job CLASS= classes - don't get JOB CLASS= classes confused with SYSOUT= classes - both classes are defined locally for each MVS shop (and each test) - use the classes given and defined for this example - pick the SYSOUT class that matches the output and the requirements - how much output? special forms? hold the output or not? //TEST.UPDTMST DD DSN=TESTMAST,DISP=(OLD,PASS) - output DD: this is an "update" - write or read/write an existing dataset - OLD is used to read or update an existing dataset in place - MOD is only used to "extend the length of a sequential dataset" - MOD is never used in this course - DISP has positional parameters (but it, itself, is not positional) - second parm says what to do with dataset if step succeeds - third says what to do if step fails (default is usually okay; leave it out) - leave it out; but, no trailing commas allowed (see JCL Reference Manual) - DISP=(OLD,KEEP) would have the dataset deallocated - a tape would be dismounted and put back in storage - next step would request the same tape and the operator would have to go back to the store room and get it again (annoying) - don't leave the tape mounted unnecessarily; but, don't dismount it if it will be needed in the next step - this abbreviated JCL only works because the dataset name is *cataloged* - no need to specify more detail to find the dataset because the catalog records the VOL, SER, UNIT, etc. information - no need to type in parameters that are retained in catalog - even offline (dismounted; in storage) datasets are catalogued - existing dataset has DCB information stored in its label - no need to specify output DCB information here either - see p.121 for list of DD parameters stored in dataset label - cataloged datasets are easy to find and use! //TEST.LSTIN DD DSN=PRODLIST,DISP=(OLD,KEEP) - input DD: dataset is cataloged, making it easy to find - never need to specify DCB parameters for an input dataset - the DCB info is kept in a reserved space in the existing dataset called the dataset "label" - all IBM datasets have "standard labels" that record many of the characteristics of the dataset - what do we do with the dataset after the step ends - the question specification doesn't say what to do with this dataset - safe thing is to keep it - if you code "PASS" at end of a job it means "KEEP" - don't code "CATLG" if the dataset is already in the catalog! //TEST.INDATA DD * ...lots of test data appears in the input stream here... ...this data is fed to the test program via DDname INDATA... /* - Instream data goes *last* in the JCL stream, so that it doesn't separate the rest of the JCL. (This is a style guideline; not an MVS JCL rule.) End of Step One - Beginning of Step Two --------------------------------------- //* Note: I am guessing both of the VERDATA DDnames; they were not provided. //* Note: An incorrect guess will cause a RUN TIME error (not a JCL error). //* The errror message will come from the VERDATA program when it runs. //* //VERIFY EXEC PGM=VERDATA //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=D //SYSIN DD DSN=TESTMAST,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // - you get to choose a meaningful 8-character step name for this step - check your flow diagram to count DD statements (one for each arrow) - we count 2 DD statements (one output, one input) - prefer output statements to go first (style issue; not a JCL rule) - we are guessing at the DDnames used by the VERDATA program - the DDnames weren't given in the JCL specifications - VERDATA program run-time error messages will tell us the real names - IMPORTANT: JES JCL processor cannot detect incorrect DDnames - only when you *run* the program will the program detect the missing DDname and issue a program error message (not a JCL error!) - see example specification for classes of SYSOUT spool queues - we are asked to hold the printe output for TSO viewing - choose the sysout hold class: SYSOUT=D - do NOT choose class A, or job will end up on paper! - the dataset is PASSed in from a previous step - don't need to code anything except DSN and DISP for a PASSed dataset - the specification says to DELETE the dataset at the end of the job - this is the last job step, we code "DELETE" here - the null statement "//" marks the end of this JOB To get a listing of just the JCL from this file, use the Unix command: $ grep '^/' thisfile Do the "MVS JCL Example 1" homework question; we will review it next class.