------------------------ Week 2 Notes for DAT2330 ------------------------ -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca Remember - knowing how to find out an answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) ------ Review ------ In Week 1 (week01notes.txt) you received a bootable Knoppix CDROM for use in the T111 Lab and at home. See file knoppix_booting.txt under the Notes buttons on the course home page. You forwarded your Algonquin email to an account that you read regularly. You connected to the ACADUNIX computer and verified that your account works (acadunix_help.txt). You created the ".vimrc" file mentioned in the "Setting VIM Options" section of file vi_basics.txt and you were shown some basic VI/VIM commands from the textbook and online tutorial. You learned the meaning of these commands: bash date echo grep less ls man more stty wc who You understand what "arguments" are to commands, what "quoting" means and how the shell handles it. You understand the basic "*" wildcard character and how the shell uses it. You know the meaning of these special characters: ^U ^C ^D ^H ^? ------------------ This Week (Week 2) ------------------ 1. Do the introduction to VI in Running Linux Ch. 9 p.274-280. You will learn these VI commands: i h j k l a o x dd P p u dw R r ~ cw w b 0 $ ^F ^B G / ? d$ :w :wq ZZ :q! :e :r 2. Read vi_basics.txt (under the Notes button) Set your VI/VIM options in your .vimrc file. 3. Finish the online VIM tutorial (see vi_basics.txt for details). 4. Look at the various VI/VIM resources under the "Unix Resources" button on the course home page. You may find some of the VI reference cards listed handy to have while you are learning. 5. Do these readings in Running Linux, Chapter 4: "Intro", "Logging In", "Setting a Password", "Virtual Consoles" p.81-84 "Directories", "Listing Files" p.84-86 "Viewing Files" p.86-87 "Shells" p.88-89 "Useful Keys" p.90 "Typing Shortcuts", "Word Completion" p.91 "Moving Around Among Commands" p.92 "Filename Expansion" p.92-93 "Saving Your Output", "What is a Command" p.93-97 "Manual Pages" p.98-100 You can practice the given examples using a terminal window under Knoppix. (Remember that nothing will be saved under Knoppix!) 6. Do these readings in Using Unix (some of these are from last week): Chapter 1 - all Chapter 3 - all but omit "Changing Group and Owner" Chapter 4 - File Management - omit Pico - omit "Finding Files" - omit "Files on other operating systems" - omit "Printing Files" - make sure you can do the exercise on p.96 (omit the printing step) Chapter 5 - Redirecting I/O (all) 7. Read these files under the Notes button on the course home page (some of these are from last week): acadunix.help Using the ACADUNIX computer arguments_and_options.txt Command line arguments and options course_linux_server.txt Using the Course Linux Server computer dat2330_04w_course_outline.pdf Course Outline home_and_HOME.txt Directories: current, HOME, and /home internet_basics.html Internet Networking Basics, URLs, etc. knoppix_booting.txt Using the Knoppix CDROM man_page_RTFM.txt Searching for items in the Unix manual pages (RTFM) miscellaneous.txt Miscellanous Unix Facts pathnames.txt Unix/Linux Pathnames quotes.txt Unix/Linux Shell Command Line Quoting redirection.txt Redirecting the I/O of commands shells.txt The Unix Shell telnet_usage.html Using Telnet/Ssh to Unix Systems vi_basics.txt The Basics of using the VIM editor 8. Start work on DAT2330 Exercise #1. Submit it by the due date. 9. Add these commands to your list of known Unix commands: cal cd cp du exit file head pwd tail touch vi vim