======================================== README - Index to this DAT2330 directory ======================================== GJ Hagenaars - gj@hagenaars.com Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca This directory contains a set of notes for Computer Studies DAT2330. File names of the form "week01notes.txt" are study notes and exercises for each week. Read these files to know what to do each week. File names of the form "exercise01.txt" are exercises to be completed. File names of the form "chapter01.txt" are chapter review notes and questions for the course text: A Practical Guide to Linux® Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming Author: Mark G. Sobell, ISBN: 0-13-147823-0 Publisher: Prentice Hall, Format: Paper; 1008 pp Published: July 1, 2005 (Copyright 2006).