======================================== Unix Lab 4 (Using FTP to transfer files) ======================================== - Prepared by Ian Allen - idallen@ncf.ca Work along with your instructor solving the following problem: "Your boss wants you to standardize the contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on your computer. These files are often written by many people, and they have a mixture of upper- and lower-case words in them. Your boss wants the files in upper-case only. Transfer the files from Windows to ACADAIX, translate them to UPPER CASE, and then transfer them back." Work with your instructor doing this solution using FTP: 1) We need to transfer some files from Windows to ACADAIX. Read the note "using_ftp.txt": How To Transfer a File to ACADAIX Start up FTP in a DOS window on your local computer and put the two Windows files C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT and C:\CONFIG.SYS into your HOME directory on ACADAIX using these commands in the FTP program: ftp> put autoexec.bat ftp> put config.sys ftp> ls 2) In another window, login to ACADAIX using TELNET. - follow the 3 basic rules for TELNET (Unix Lab 1) - enable vi-mode command-line editing (Unix Lab 3) On ACADAIX, use Unix commands to translate your copies of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to UPPER CASE. (See Chapter 3.) Make sure you read "Overwriting an Existing File" on page 321 of your text before you attempt to translate these files! If you accidentally overwrite one of the files, use FTP to put up another copy. Verify that the files are correctly translated. 3) We need to transfer copies of the translated files from ACADAIX back to our Windows computers. Read the note "using_ftp.txt": How To Get (and optionally Print) a file From ACADAIX Go back to the FTP window. Use FTP to get the translated files from ACADAIX back to your Windows machine. Use Notepad to confirm that the files have been correctly translated.