Assignment 5-B
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2000-11-18 16:25

Assignment 5-B - UNIX

This assignment is for sections taught by Ian Allen.  It is the second half of Assignment 5.

Hand in:
One printed and hand-annotated telnet session log file in hard copy form.  For full marks, follow the Assignment Submission Standards.  In particular, make sure you use Courier font and annotate your output (see below) before you hand it in.
You must complete the work in the previous Chapters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 13) as well as Chapters 6 and 8 in your Unix text before doing this assignment.

Step 1.  (Readings in Chapter 6 and Chapter 8)

Use the vi text editor to type the answers to the following Chapter Reading/Study Exercises into the file named my5Banswers in your home directory.  Number each answer clearly.  You will find the Chapter Exercises under the Unix button on the course page.
    Put your name and your Algonquin e-mail address at the top of the file.
    Answer the Chapter 6 Exercises 6-5, 6-7, and 6-10.
          (For 6-10, type in the completed table numbered Table 6-2 on p.395)
    Answer the Chapter 8 Exercises 8-7, 8-9, and 8-11 through 8-15.

Put your name and your Algonquin e-mail address at the top of this file.  Number each answer clearly.

Step 2.  (Based on Chapter 8 and Assignment 5-A)

Run the scriptC file you created in the previous week's assignment and redirect its output into a temporary file named  processes.

Using the process listings in the file processes, identify all the processes that were running in a process hierarchy list, showing which processes were parents of which children.  For example, some of your processes might have had the following relationships in your processes file:

PID        PPID        COMMAND
12345     92939        ksh
23456     12345        ps
87465     12345        ksh
45678     87465        ps
... etc ...
Create a file called hierarchy and type in a text diagram that shows the parent and child processes and their relationships, in the following form:
    	  -ksh (12345)
		|----------ps (23456)
		|----------ksh (87465)
				|------------- ps (45678)
				|------------- .....

Parent processes have vertical lines to which child processes are attached with horizontal lines.  We see that parent process ksh(12345) had two child processes ps(23456) and ksh(87465).  Process ksh(87465) itself had more child processes, of which ps(45678) was one.   (The process ID numbers will most likely be different for your processes when you do this.)

The VI commands "yy" (copy one line) and "p" (paste the copied line) will be useful in editing this file.

Step 3.  (Based on Chapter 8)

Practice these commands so that you can do them without errors.  You will redo them with logging turned on in the Telnet Log File step of this assignment.  Practice this:

  1. Enter this four-process command pipeline:
           sort | grep job | tee bb | wc
    When you press return, nothing happens.  The first command in the pipeline is expecting input on standard input, which is attached to your keyboard.  Instead of typing input, suspend the entire command line using CTRL-Z (^Z).  (There is more information on CTRL-Z available via the index of the textbook.)
  2. Issue the command         sleep 900 &
  3. Issue the command         ps
  4. Issue a command to kill only the wc process.
  5. Issue another command to kill only the sleep process.
  6. Issue a command to bring the suspended job (the command line you suspended, above) back into the foreground.  The job in the foreground will now be expecting you to enter input for the sort command; however, part of the pipeline has been terminated and it will not work correctly.  Press CTRL-D (^D) at the beginning of a line to indicate that you are finished typing input to the pipeline.  The command pipeline should finish and you should get a shell prompt.  (If this doesn't happen, you have made an error.  Break out and repeat the steps.)
  7. Issue the command line a second time, without killing any processes:
           sort | grep job | tee bb | wc

  8. Type in the following four lines for the standard input of the sort command:
       I started two jobs and
       killed some processes.
       My job is almost done.
       Have a nice day.

    Press CTRL-D (^D) at the beginning of a line to indicate that you are finished typing input.  The command pipeline should finish and you should see the output from the last process in the pipeline followed by a shell prompt.  (If this doesn't happen, you have made an error.  Break out and repeat the steps.)
  9. Issue a command to show the permissions and size of the file named bb created by the four-process command pipeline.

Step 4. (Creating the Telnet Log File)

You need to have done all the readings, completed all the prerequisite Chapters, and completed all previous steps of this Assignment to do this logging Step.

Login to Unix and then turn on telnet logging to record the following Unix session on your A: diskette or on your N: drive.  When asked to display the contents a file or script, use the  cat command.  (For full marks, do not use an editor or any commands that paginate the file, since the pagination mis-formats the display of the file in the log.)  Perform the following actions for the log file: 

  1. Set your shell prompt to be your Algonquin userid.  (You reviewed creating a Personalized Shell Prompt in Chapter 5.)
  2. Display the contents of your USER environment variable.
  3. Display the current date.
  4. Display the contents of the my5Banswers file created in Step 1.
  5. Display the contents of the edited file  processes created in Step 2.
  6. Display the contents of the file  hierarchy created at the end of Step 2.
  7. Do the commands listed in Step 3.  (Highlight each command name when you annotate your output listing.)
  8. Display the current date.

Turn off telnet logging.  Print the Telnet log file using a monospace (Courier) font.  Choose the font size so that the contents of your answer file looks neat and prints without line wrapping.

Step 5. (Annotating the Telnet Log File)

 Annotate your printed Telnet log file output by hand as follows:

  1. Take a pen or marker and draw long, page-width lines between each of the numbered actions you performed in the previous step.
  2. Write in (using pen or marker) the number of the action beside each of the actions.  Use the action numbers given in the previous step.
  3. Highlight or underline each of the Unix command lines you typed to the shell to do the actions in the previous step.  Do not highlight the output of the command lines.  Highlight only the Unix command lines that you typed in.

There is only one telnet session log file to hand in.  It comes from the Telnet Log File step.  Do not log or hand in anything else other than the one log file from the Telnet Log File step.  Make sure you annotate the log file by hand as required in the Annotating step.  



Web Author: Ian! D. Allen
Updated: 2000-11-18 16:25