--------------------------------------- LST file output from ASM for NOECHO.ASM --------------------------------------- -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca This is an excerpt of the output written into the LST file by the Assembler. (Normally there is no LST file written; you can request one.) The LST file shows you both your assembler source code and the resulting machine code. Note the standard five columns: Location, Code, Labels, Mnemonics, Operands. Relocatable instructions are flagged with "R" after the Code. The result is quite similar to the format we've been using for LMC code and mnemonics, except that Intel instructions are not all "one mailbox" long. LINE LOC CODE BYTES LABELS MNEM OPERANDS ---- ---- ----------------- ------ ------- ------------------- 19 0000 Noecho segment 20 assume CS:Noecho,DS:Noecho 21 0100 org 100h 23 0100 start: 26 0100 C6 06 0141 R 78 90 mov dog,'x' 30 0106 80 3E 0141 R 64 while: cmp dog,'d' 31 010B 74 09 je barkout 33 010D B4 07 mov ah,07h 34 010F CD 21 int 21h 35 0111 A2 0141 R mov dog,al 37 0114 EB F0 jmp while 38 0116 barkout: 42 0116 BA 0123 R mov dx,offset barkmsg 43 0119 B4 09 mov ah,09h 44 011B CD 21 int 21h 46 011D B0 00 mov al,0h 47 011F B4 4C mov ah,4Ch 48 0121 CD 21 int 21h 54 0123 0D 0A barkmsg db 0Dh,0Ah 55 0125 42 61 72 6B 21 20 42 db 'Bark! Bark! Bark! Ended on: ' 56 61 72 6B 21 20 42 61 57 72 6B 21 20 45 6E 64 58 65 64 20 6F 6E 3A 20 60 0141 ?? dog db ? 61 0142 0D 0A db 0Dh,0Ah 62 0144 24 db "$" 64 0145 Noecho ends 65 end start SEGMENTS and GROUPS: -NAME- SIZE ALIGN COMBINE CLASS NOECHO --------------------------- 0145 PARA NONE SYMBOLS: -NAME- TYPE VALUE ATTR BARKMSG -------------------------- L BYTE 0123 NOECHO BARKOUT -------------------------- L NEAR 0116 NOECHO DOG ------------------------------ L BYTE 0141 NOECHO START ---------------------------- L NEAR 0100 NOECHO WHILE ---------------------------- L NEAR 0106 NOECHO Free memory=49920, Warnings=0, Errors=0 Assembly Ended.