------------------------- Week 01 Notes for DAT2343 ------------------------- -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com DAT2343 - Computer Systems Architecture - Fall 2009 Course is Hybrid Hybrid Course: 1 hour on-line / 3 hours lectures (per week) On-line materials require a player for Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows (PPT and PPS) and Windows Media Files (WMV and AVI). Home Page Find the Fall 2009 DAT2343 course home page via Algonquin Blackboard or via either link below: http://teaching.idallen.com/dat2343/09f/ http://teaching.idallen.org/dat2343/09f/ Make sure you find the page for this term, not other terms! Bookmark it. I do not keep any course files on Algonquin Blackboard. Read the course home page carefully, including the parts about plagiarism and course notes. Note the important dates. Write down *on paper* the location of the Alternate Web Notes. Find and look at my Timetable. Know how to set up an office appointment with me by email. The midterm test date is posted on the Course Home Page. Instructor Contact Info Instructor: Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com See the Prof Timetable link on the course home page. Prerequisite Knowledge Operating Systems: file management; DOS/Windows usage; Internet usage. Some programming language background is desirable ( C would be particularly useful ). Text There is no formal textbook for this course. The main source of content for this course will be the web-based notes provided on-line. http://teaching.idallen.com/dat2343/09f/ http://teaching.idallen.org/dat2343/09f/ The following optional text provides an alternate presentation of much of the same material which some may find useful: The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software by Irv Englander, Wiley Publishing. You will be expected to keep up-to-date with the reading in the web notes even when specific reading assignments are not provided in class. Ideally, to optimize your understanding of the lecture material, corresponding material should be read prior to the class in which it is covered. Additional Software DOS DEBUG : this is a standard MS-DOS utility that should be found in the DOS directory on every standard IBM compatible microcomputer. A public domain x86 assembler, Arrow ASM, will be provided (with its linker, VAL); this will be adequate for any requirements of this course. Handouts In general, in-class handouts are not expected in this class since most such material will normally be posted to the web; students are expected to download such materials on their own. If in-class hand-outs are provided at any time, they will only be available to students who are in the class at the time the material is handed out. Students who are not in class when such materials are handed out (or who lose such materials) are expected to make their own copies from online or from other students. Homework Exercises / Assignments - 10% Homework, in the form of exercises to be picked-up from the web and answered and submitted electronically, will be assigned approximately weekly. Such assignments are to be completed by the given due dates. Approximately 1/3 of these homework assignments will be collected (on a random basis). Assignments that are not submitted by their due dates will not be marked, even if an attempt is made to hand them in later. Marks for homework assignments will be based on a written demonstration that a reasonable attempt was made to answer the assigned problems, whether on not the correct answers were obtained. (If you don't show your work and only submit an incorrect answer, no marks will be awarded.) All homework will be answered fully either in class or online; check your actual answers and your work against the correct solutions provided. Much of the Test and Exam material will be based on the Homework. Projects - 20% Four 5% projects will be assigned during this course. Exact due dates will be identified in class once the semester and class schedules have been established. Projects are due on the give due dates. Projects handed in after this time will lose 20% up to the first 24 hours; 40% up to a second 24 hours; and will not be accepted if more than 48 hours late. It is the student's responsibility to ensure projects are submitted on time. Mid-Term Test - 35% As noted earlier, much of this test will be based on slightly modified homework assignment questions. Because a significant portion of the early material for this course deals with understanding the basis for arithmetic operations and number systems, the use of calculators is not permitted during this test. Final Exam - 35% This exam will take the same form as the mid-term test A majority of the material for this test will come from the second half of the course, but some questions will be based on earlier material. You need to remember how to manipulate binary and hexadecimal numbers. EMail and Web-based EMail archives EMail is a critical component of course delivery for this course. Forward your Algonquin email (see the link on the course home page). Test to make sure that your forwarded Algonquin email works! Send yourself a test message. You must have a working Algonquin EMail address for this course (that you can forward elsewhere). You must read your course email regularly, either in your mailbox or via the web archives. Attendance and Attention Attendance is also critical to course success. If you know the material and don't need to come to classes, ask for a Prior Learning Assessment. If you paid to be here, please be here. If you are in class, shut your laptop and pay attention to your lecturer. The person at the front of the room cannot compete with the entire Internet for your attention - he doesn't have the budget. If you're bored or falling alseep, take notes. Taking Notes You will need to take notes in class. Not everything I say ends up in these online files. Passing the information through your body onto paper helps you remember it, even if you never read the notes later. If you have a question about course content, the first thing I will ask is to see your notes, to see what you wrote down about the topic. Often the answer is there! Workload The overall term workload sometimes overwhelms students who try to leave everything to the last minute. You need to put in approximately an extra hour per day, per course, to keep up. There aren't enough hours in a day to catch up in mid-term. Approximately one lecture per week is delivered hybrid via on-line media files. Timeliness Late assignments are penalized, usually resulting in a mark of zero. The due date for an assignment is given in the assignment. Read each assignment to know the due date. Plagiarism You may not copy code from anywhere else without clearing the copying with me, in writing or by email, first. If your code contains enough unique lines found in other files, I am required to inquire whether you are the author of this code. If I authorize copying, you must attribute the source of material you use that isn't yours. You earn marks for the new material that you write, not code that comes from other sources. CS Department Home Page and News http://www.algonquincollege.com/sat/cs/ http://www.algonquincollege.com/sat/cs/news.htm Lecture Notes for This Week 01BasicComputerArchitectureModels.htm 02HistoricalProgression.htm 03Basic_Information_Encoding.ppt 03Basic_Information_Encoding.wmv 03BinaryCircuitEncoding.htm