Winter 2011 - January to April 2011 - Updated 2011-03-26 05:15 EDT
Calculators are not permitted during the first midterm test. You will benefit from knowing the powers of two from 2^(-4) to 2^16 and the decimal and binary values of the hexadecimal digits from zero to fifteen. Of course you can work them out; however, having at least some of them memorized will make things go faster for you on the test. (Remember that hexadecimal “A” = decimal 10 = binary 1010.)
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“odometer math”, showing the number ring:
Notes on Binary Numbers, Arithmetic, and Radix Conversions:
Converting hex to decimal using bit flipping and adding one:
Base Converter: Convert numbers in any base up to 32:
Hex (only) to decimal and binary converter, and vice-versa:
A 1965 song about doing math in Base 8 (I was 11 at the time):
###Overflow causes rocket to self-destruct### - -
“a data conversion from a 64-bit floating point to 16-bit signed integer value caused a hardware exception (more specifically, an arithmetic overflow, as the floating point number had a value too large to be represented by a 16-bit signed integer)”