Winter 2011 - January to April 2011 - Updated 2011-04-01 23:03 EDT
Assignment #10 - Little Man Computer [LMC], Assembly Language, Machine Code
301_LMC.html - The “Little Man” Computer
302_LMC_instruction_cycle.txt - The Little Man Computer Instruction Cycle
305_LMC_opcodes.html - Extended LMC Operation Codes - Opcodes
306_LMCProgramming.html - LMC Machine Level Programming
307_LMC_lights.txt - LMC Negative Flag Trickery
350_LMC_sample1.txt - add and subtract
350_LMC_sample2.txt - input, add, output
350_LMC_sample3.txt - input, add, and loop using a counter
350_LMC_sample4.txt - input, IF, output
350_LMC_sample5.txt - WHILE loop quotient and remainder
350_LMC_sample6.txt - negative flag and a FOR loop
350_LMC_sample7.txt - subroutine call/return and linkage
360_LMC_Simulator.html - Clone of Son of LMC Simulator
362_LMC_control.html - LMC Loop and Skip Condition Calculations
363_LMC_indirect.txt - LMC Indirection Tricks
364_LMC_bootstrap.html - The Bootstrap Process (including LMC)
Your in-class notes go here.
The LMC (continued)
350_LMC_sample7.txt - subroutine call/return and linkage
363_LMC_indirect.txt - LMC Indirection Tricks
364_LMC_bootstrap.html - The Bootstrap Process (including LMC)