----------------------- Lab #08 for NET2003 due March 18, 2008 (Week 10) ----------------------- Remember - knowing how to find out an answer is more important than memorizing the answer. Learn to fish! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual) Global weight: 5% of your total mark this term. Due date: before 14h00 (2pm) Tuesday March 18, 2008 (Week 10) The deliverables for this lab exercise are to be submitted online on the Course Linux Server using the "netsubmit" method described in the lab exercise description, below. No paper; no email; no FTP. Late-submission date: I will accept without penalty lab exercises that are submitted late but before 14h00 (2pm) on Wednesday, March 19. After that late-submission date, the lab exercise is worth zero marks. Lab exercises submitted by the *due date* will be marked online and your marks will be sent to you by email after the late-submission date. Lab Synopsis: Update your Ubuntu system. Configure the NTP and SSH network services. NOTE: For full marks, keep your lines shorter than 80 columns in this course. Short lines allow for easy printing and side-by-side comparison of files on a screen. Where to work: your Ubuntu caddy (you need root permissions to set the time) Easy access to Course Notes: See previous labs. The command names required by this script are all in the unix_command_list.txt file in the Course Notes. Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. Follow the commented script format given in earlier labs. Precede each script output with the Question number, as you have always done. Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. Note: Although no individual comment line can be longer than 80 characters, you may write more than one comment line if you have a lot to say. Comments are encouraged! Part I - Ubuntu maintenance ------ Make sure you have run the Update Manager and installed all current updates to your Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) system. Earlier labs tell you how to make sure you have *all* the updates. Part II - lab08script1.sh - a shell script ------------------------- Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. Note carefully the name of this script. The steps in this script require you to run the script at various points. If you don't do things in the order given, you won't get the right answers, since some of the steps depend on the output from the previous steps. Your Ubuntu/Debian system uses a custom version of the "ntpdate" program. Before your proceed, find out the name of the Debian version of the ntpdate program and read its "man" page. The man page will tell you where the Debian NTP default config file is located. Read the config file. 1. Execute the Debian version of the ntpdate program. Use the ntpdate option that forces the time to be stepped instead of slewed. Request verbose output. The program will print a line containing an IP address (the IP address of "ntp.ubuntu.com"). 2. Do a DNS lookup on "ntp.ubuntu.com" and show its IP address. Run your script to execute the above two commands. Confirm that the above IP address matches the NTP output of your script at this point. Use the IP address of "ntp.ubuntu.com" in the next line: 3. Do a DNS reverse-lookup on the IP address of "ntp.ubuntu.com", the address printed in the ntpdate program output. The output will be the real host name of ntp.ubuntu.com. 4. Use a command that finds the absolute path to the Debian version of the ntpdate executable program. (The command looks in your $PATH.) 5. Show what type of file the above executable file is. (Hint: The Debian version of the program is not an ELF binary file.) Read the POSIX shell script text executable file you found in the above step. This script file is the Debian version of the ntpdate program. At the bottom of the script, it calls the real ntpdate program. 6. Echo to the screen the four NTP config files that are checked for readability by the Debian script version of the ntpdate command. (Bonus marks: Data-mine the Debian script file and generate the list automatically, instead of hard-coding the four names in your script.) Before you proceed, confirm that only one of the above four config files actually exists and has content - the default one. That's the file you need for the rest of the script. 7. Display the content of the Debian default NTP config file on the screen. 8. If the Debian default config file for ntpdate does *not* contain the name of both Canadian NTP time servers, display an error message on standard error. You need one or two working shell IF statements to do this correctly. Review: the argv.sh.txt script tells you how to echo a line to standard error. The file exit_status.txt shows how to use IF statements to find things inside files. Run your script and verify that the error message prints on standard error, not on standard output. Edit the file and change the ntpdate time server from the Ubuntu time server to be the *two* Canadian time servers. Re-run your script and verify that no error message prints. Is your clock now correct? 9. Run the command that displays your PC hardware clock time. In VMware, this will be your "virtual" PC hardware clock, not your actual BIOS hardware clock. Part III - lab08script2.sh - another shell script -------------------------- Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. Note carefully the name of this script. This is a new script. You will configure SSH. 10. Generate a list of all packages installed on your Ubuntu/Debian system and show only the lines containing the pattern "ssh". Run your script and make sure you have the three packages openssh-client, openssh-server, and ssh-askpass-gnome. Install any missing packages. Enable public-key authorization between your Ubuntu system and the Course Linux Server [CLS], using ssh-keygen with a type "dsa" key. Repeat the process and generate a type "rsa" key. Use the default answers (file locations) for ssh-keygen, and don't supply any password when generating the keys. Copy the public key files to the CLS and add them both to your authorized keys file on the CLS. Tutorials: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/02/05/unattended-ssh-login-public-key-ssh-authorization-ssh-automatic-login/ http://wiki.ubuntu-id.org/SSHHowto If you have an RSA key, you can use the "ssh-copy-id" program to copy your RSA key to a remote machine. RTFM 11. Run a process listing of *all* processes on your machine and show only the lines that contain the string "ssh". There should be no ssh sessions visible using port 55555. 12. Use netstat or ss to generate a list of any TCP connections that are using port 55555. None should be listed. 13. Create a background SSH tunnel from your Ubuntu port 55555 to the CLS localhost "daytime" port. (Use the numeric port number, not the name.) The ssh options for a background tunnel-only connection are given in the man page as "Do not execute a remote command" and "go to background just before command execution". The ssh command should not ask for a password if you have your public keys set up correctly. If you use the verbose mode option to ssh when you set up the tunnel, you should see this tunnel debug information near the end of the debug output: [...] debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey). debug1: Local connections to LOCALHOST:55555 forwarded to remote address localhost:13 debug1: Local forwarding listening on port 55555. debug1: channel 0: new [port listener] debug1: Entering interactive session. At this point your SSH tunnel should be working. 14. Run a process listing of *all* processes on your machine and show only the lines that contain the string "ssh". You should see your background SSH tunnel with port 55555 listed. 15. Use netcat on your Ubuntu machine to get the CLS "daytime" date from your SSH tunnel, using the local Ubuntu port number (not the "daytime" port number, which is the daytime port on your Ubuntu machine, not the daytime port tunnelled via the SSH tunnel). 16. Use "killall" or "killall -i" to kill your background ssh process by name. Note that "killall" will kill *all* your processes named "ssh"; so, be careful how you use it if you have ssh sessions going that you don't want killed. RTFM 17. Run a process listing of *all* processes on your machine and show only the lines that contain the string "ssh". Your background ssh process should be gone. 18. Use netstat or ss to generate a list of any TCP connections that are using port 55555. None should be listed. Submission ---------- Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. For full marks, keep your lines shorter than 80 columns in this course! Submission Standards: See Lab #1 for details. A. Make sure all submitted files contain an Exterior Assignment Submission label. For full marks, lines must be shorter than 80 columns. Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. B. Submit your files for marking as Lab 08 using the following *single* netsubmit command line exactly as given here: $ netsubmit 08 lab08script1.sh lab08script2.sh Always submit *all* files at the same time for every submission. Files submitted under the wrong names are worth zero marks. Scripts without your added comments will not be marked. P.S. Did you spell all the assignment label fields and file names correctly?