Chapter Reading/Study Guides

Sep 30 21:48 2001  chapter10.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Oct 12 00:02 2001  chapter11.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen

Course Notes (alphabetical order)

Oct 10 00:00 2001  CGIscript.txt   Building a CGI Script on Unix
May 29 16:15 2001  README.txt   README - Index to this DAT2330 directory
Oct 23 10:45 2001  abbreviations.txt   Marking Code comment abbreviations
Sep  7 04:33 2001  acadaix_email.txt   Sending and Receiving mail on ACADAIX
Nov  4 18:54 2001  apple.txt   Compare two non-empty files for identical content.
Nov  4 18:55 2001  applefor.txt   Compare two non-empty files for identical content.
Sep 29 12:43 2001  argv.txt   Count and display each argument (including $0) to this script.
May 10 22:45 2001  aunixserver.txt   A UNIX Server Is NO Mainframe
Nov  4 18:56 2001  berry.txt   Count the characters in each string argument.
Sep  7 04:56 2001  chapter1.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep  7 04:56 2001  chapter2.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep  7 04:56 2001  chapter3.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep 10 05:09 2001  chapter4.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep 16 22:24 2001  chapter5.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep 24 00:34 2001  chapter7.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep 24 00:33 2001  chapter8.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Nov  4 19:01 2001  cherry.txt   Read a text string and look for it in the argument pathname.
Oct 22 19:48 2001  echoCommands.txt   No standard for the "echo" command
May  3 16:22 2001  floppix_boot.txt   Typical Answers for a Floppix Boot Sequence
May  7 12:47 2001  how_to_print.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
May 29 16:15 2001  intro.txt   Notes on Assessing an Operating System
May 10 22:44 2001  introslide.txt   Summary Slide for O/S Introduction
Oct 22 19:46 2001  lessCodeIsBetter.txt   Less Code is Better Code
Sep 23 23:46 2001  practiceCh1-5.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 1-5
Oct 22 19:48 2001  practiceCh11.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 5, 10, 11
Oct 11 15:50 2001  practiceCh7-10.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 7-10
Jun 11 13:02 2001  resetTerminal.txt   What to do if your terminal goes into graphics mode
Sep 30 21:53 2001  rotatePuzzle.txt   Unix Puzzle
Oct 17 17:56 2001  scriptChecklist.txt   Script Checklist -IAN!
May 25 03:28 2005  scripts.html   Shell Scripts Index
Sep 14 11:57 2001  test1-unix.txt   What to Study for the First Unix Test
Sep 28 16:44 2001  test2-unix.txt   What to Study for the Second Unix Test
Oct 10 00:02 2001  test2UnixAnswers.txt   word sentence It's "easy" spending $20 <mostly>. into a new
Sep 28 22:41 2001  test2UnixPractice.txt   Practice Practice Practice
Oct 11 15:38 2001  test3-unix.txt   What to Study for the Third Unix Test
Oct 17 08:57 2001  test3UnixAnswers.txt   Problems and Answers for Test 3 - Unix
Oct 28 09:38 2001  test4-unix.txt   What to Study for the Fourth Test (Unix)
Nov  4 23:26 2001  test4UnixProblems.txt   Problems for Test 4 - Unix
Oct 22 22:09 2001  test_preparation.txt   Advice in Preparing for and Writing Tests
Oct 16 01:04 2001  umask.txt   Umask and Permissions
Sep  7 04:56 2001  week2.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Sep 14 11:00 2001  week3.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Sep 16 22:54 2001  week4.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Sep 24 00:31 2001  week5.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Sep 30 21:18 2001  week6.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Oct 11 15:30 2001  week7-8.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.