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Perl Programming

Due: Monday, January 18, 1999

Hand in your output during class on Monday.  (I expect you to complete most of the lab during Friday.)


Learning Perl.


Text Reading:

Become familiar with your text book, Learning Perl, chapters 1 through 7.  (You will already be familiar with much of Chapter 7.)

Exercises in Learning Perl:

Chapter 2: Do all these exercises as CGI scripts and link them to your NETSRV home page.  Nothing needs to be handed in.

Chapter 3: Get each of the exercises to work.  Understand how they work.  Nothing needs to be handed in.

Chapter 4: Get each of the exercises to work.  Rework exercises 2 and 5 as CGI scripts and link them to your NETSRV home page.  Nothing needs to be handed in.

Chapter 5: Get both exercises working.  Rework exercise 1 as a CGI script and link it to your NETSRV home page.  Nothing needs to be handed in.

Chapter 6: Get each of the exercises to work.  Understand how they work.  Nothing needs to be handed in.

Chapter 7: Exercise 3.  (Not required as a CGI script, though you can do it as one if you choose.)  Hand in the script on paper.


Modify the Perl script below so that:

  1. Instead of using /home, the starting directory is read from a file named start.txt.
  2. Output is written to the file output.txt.

Hand in on paper your modified script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Counts how many times files appear in subdirectories.

# Start in this directory.
$home = '/home';

die "Cannot chdir to '$home'"
	unless chdir $home;

# Get a list of all visible sub-directories.
@homes = <*>;

# Loop into each sub-directory.
for $h (@homes) {
	print "$h\n";

	# Get a list of all visible files in sub-directory
	@files = <$h/*>;

	# Remove leading sub-directory prefix from all array elements.

	# Loop over each file name.
	# Record how many times we have seen it.
	for $f (@files) {
		$files{$f} = 0
			unless defined($files{$f});

# Get a sorted list of all the file names.
@keys = sort(keys(%files));

# Loop for each file name, printing the count.
for $k (@keys) {
	printf "%4d   %s\n", $files{$k}, $k
		unless $files{$k} < 2;

Hand In: 

Some exercises require you to upload CGI scripts to your NETSRV account and link them into your home page.  Other exercises require paper.

Additional material:   Perl scripts  O'Reilly Web resources

The Idiot's Guide to Solving Perl CGI Problems

Perl CGI Programming FAQ

The WWW Security FAQ

FMTEYEWTK (Far More Than Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know)