Set 11
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TCP/IP: A Packet's Journey


To demonstrate your knowledge of TCP/IP and the Unix environment.
Explain what is necessary to make a network command such as "telnet somehost" work between two networked machines.
Become familiar with TCP/IP diagnostic tools.


Using the example "telnet somehost", document how the connection is established to somehost by addressing the following questions:

Step-by-step, document how the connection gets made from your machine to the given machine over the network.

How is the connection process different if the given machine is on the local network vs. on a remote network?

What Unix files and services are consulted during the connection process?  What Unix commands are useful to debug and observe the connection?  What Unix manual pages are available to document the files and commands you use?

Make sure you explain the relevance and utility of the following files and commands:

   /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
   ypcat hosts
   netstat -i
   netstat -r
   arp -a
Pick a host on the local network.  Cut-and-paste the output of the Unix commands you use to debug and observe a connection to this machine.  Annotate the output with explanations of what is happening.
Pick a host on a non-local network.  Repeat the process, showing the new output (cut-and-paste) and explaining what is different about the non-local connection.

Be clear and concise in your answers.  (If you use a word processor to submit your answers, pasted text captured from a screen must be in a fixed-width font.)

Hand in:

A step-by-step explanation of how the connection is made to the given host, both to a host on the local network and to a host on a remote network.
Include answers to each of the questions posed above.
Annotated cut-and-paste output showing how you verified a connection to a local host and to a remote host.