NOTE: The scripts and programs in this directory may have had a ".txt" suffix added, to make sure that they are treated as text when your browser downloads them. You may need to remove the ".txt" suffix to compile or run them on your own computer.

Weekly Class Notes

Jan 17 04:52 2006  week02notes.txt   Week 01-02 Notes for NET2003
Jan 26 08:32 2006  week03notes.txt   Week 3 Notes for NET2003
Mar  2 03:07 2006  week07notes.txt   Week 7 Notes for NET2003

Course Notes (alphabetical order)

Jan  4 13:22 2005  README.txt   README - Index to this NET2003 directory
Dec 27 02:12 2005  arguments_and_options.txt   Options and Arguments on Unix Command Lines
Jan 26 04:27 2006  caddy.txt   Drive caddy jumper issues - /dev/hda /dev/hdb and GRUB/boot issues
Feb 14 10:26 2006  character_sets.txt   Collate Order and Character Set - GLOB patterns and accents
Feb 14 10:30 2006  chkconfig.txt   The chkconfig command and SysV start-up scripts
Feb 14 10:43 2006  command_substitution.txt   Command Substitution - $(unix command)
Jan 19 12:29 2006  course_linux_server.txt   The Course Linux Server
Feb 14 10:29 2006  data_mining.txt   Using commands and pipes to "mine" and extract data from the system
Feb 14 10:35 2006  exit_status.txt   Return Code, Exit Status, test, if, and while
Feb 16 00:48 2006  expansion_order.txt   Order of Shell Command Line processing
Jan 12 05:25 2006  file_transfer.txt   File transfer between machines
Jan 22 21:03 2006  finding_files.txt   Searching for and finding files by name
Jan 24 08:24 2006  glob_patterns.txt   GLOB patterns (wildcard pathname matching)
Dec 27 02:12 2005  home_and_HOME.txt   Directories: current, HOME, and /home
Feb  2 03:40 2006  http_session.txt   sample HTTP session using the "nc" command
Jan  4 16:06 2005  internet_basics.html   Internet Basics
Feb 14 10:34 2006  job_control.txt   Shell background/foreground job control
Jan 16 03:07 2006  knoppix_booting.txt   Using the Knoppix Linux CDROM
Dec 27 02:12 2005  man_page_RTFM.txt   Searching for items in the Unix manual pages (RTFM)
Jan 26 13:48 2006  mandriva_config.txt   Mandrivalinux Configuration - making the server useful using urpmi
Jan 27 13:28 2006  mandriva_install.txt   Mandrivalinux Install - fdisk partitioning, booting GRUB, etc.
Jan 17 11:49 2006  miscellaneous.txt   Miscellaneous Unix Facts
Jan 16 03:39 2006  netsubmit.txt   Using the datsubmit and netsubmit commands
Feb  2 03:39 2006  nntp_session.txt   sample NNTP session using the "nc" command
Sep 27 05:47 2011  pathnames.txt   Unix/Linux Pathnames
Jan 10 10:54 2006  permissions.txt   Unix Permissions
Jan 23 03:20 2006  quotes.txt   Unix/Linux Shell Command Line Quoting
Feb  5 16:54 2011  redirection.txt   Unix Shell I/O Redirection (including Pipes)
Jan 16 02:50 2006  shell_basics.txt   The Unix/Linux Shell
Jan  2 04:26 2006  shell_prompt.txt   Setting the BASH shell prompt
Jan 22 20:46 2006  shell_variables.txt   Shell Variables you should know (including $* and $@)
Feb  2 03:28 2006  smtp_session.txt   sample SMTP session using the "nc" command
Dec 27 02:12 2005  startup_files.txt   Setting up Startup Files: .bash_profile and .bashrc
Sep  8 12:57 2005  terminal.txt   Using telnet/ssh Terminal emulators
Oct  6 12:30 2005  umask.txt   Umask and Permissions
Feb  9 05:38 2006  unix_command_list.txt   Basic Unix/Linux Command List
Jan 22 17:58 2006  vi_basics.txt   The VI (VIM) Editor - Basics

Projects/Labs/Assignments/Exercises (for hand-in)

Jan 16 03:41 2006  exercise01.txt   Exercise #01 for NET2003 due January 5, 2006
Jan 16 03:42 2006  exercise02.txt   Exercise #02 for NET2003 due January 12, 2006
Jan 19 12:32 2006  exercise03.txt   Exercise #03 for NET2003 due January 20, 2006
Jan 31 06:24 2006  exercise03answers.txt   Exercise #3 answers
Feb  2 05:44 2006  exercise04.txt   Exercise #04 for NET2003 due February 7, 2006
Feb 13 16:41 2006  exercise04answers.txt   Exercise #4 answers
Feb 16 01:01 2006  exercise05.txt   Exercise #05 for CST8129 due February 14, 2006
Mar  6 17:31 2006  exercise05answers.txt   Exercise #5 answers
Feb 16 11:34 2006  exercise06.txt   Exercise #06 for NET2003 due February 28, 2006
Mar  6 17:47 2006  exercise06answers.txt   Exercise #6 answers
Mar  3 12:23 2006  exercise07.txt   Exercise #07 for NET2003 due March 7, 2006
Apr 19 11:47 2006  exercise07answers.txt   Exercise #7 answers

Shell Scripts

Feb 13 04:34 2012   Display on standard error the individual arguments on the command line.

Program Source

Jan 19 08:02 2006  argv.c++.txt   The output appears on "standard error", not "standard output".
Jan 19 08:01 2006  argv.c.txt   The output appears on "standard error", not "standard output".
Feb 14 10:27 2006  stdxxx.c++.txt   Produces output on stdout and stderr, prompts and reads from stdin.


Dec 23 21:46 2005  net2003-06w.pdf   
Dec  7 10:02 2004  vi_refcard_back.pdf   
Sep 15 10:13 2014  vi_refcard_front.pdf   

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams

Jan 25 11:15 2006  practiceTest1.pdf   
Jan 25 11:15 2006   
Jan 25 11:15 2006  practiceTest1.txt   Practice Test #1 Questions - answers at end
Mar  6 23:21 2006  practiceTest2.pdf   
Mar  6 23:21 2006   
Mar  6 23:21 2006  practiceTest2.txt   Practice Test #2 Questions - answers at end
Mar  7 01:41 2006  practiceTest3.pdf   
Mar  7 01:41 2006   
Mar  7 01:41 2006  practiceTest3.txt   Practice Test #3 Questions - answers at end
Jan 30 13:56 2006  termtest1directions.txt   Directions and preparing for Test #1
Feb  1 10:21 2006  termtest1multiplechoice.pdf   
Feb  1 10:21 2006   
Feb  1 10:21 2006  termtest1multiplechoice.txt   Test #1 Multiple Choice
Mar  7 02:41 2006  termtest2directions.txt   Directions and preparing for Test #2

Optional Material

Dec 27 02:12 2005  opt_opensource.txt   The Open Source Movement
Jan  4 16:25 2005  opt_why_shell.txt   Why Learn the Unix Shells?
Aug 30 04:01 2004  opt_mainframe_linux.txt   IBM System/390: The Linux Dream Machine