Updated: 2017-04-29 19:13 EDT

1 C O U R S E    E V A L U A T I O NIndexup to index

2 Final Exam ResultsIndexup to index

The most difficult questions from the 16F Final Exam have been uploaded into the Course Notes. You can find the most difficult questions for 16F via a link in the Practice Tests and Answers.

Number of students who got the last question wrong, even though the answer was given in the test instructions: 10

Below are the 138 raw marks from the Final Exam:

98.3 95 93.5 92.2 91.7 90.6 89.4 89.4 88.9 88.5 88.3 88.3 86.7 86.7 86.7 86.1 85.6 85.2 84.7 84.4 84.4 83.9 83 82.8 82.2 82 81.7 81.1 81.1 81.1 80.6 80.6 80 79.8 79.8 79.4 79.4 79.4 78.9 78.9 77.2 75.6 75.6 75.6 74.4 74.4 73.9 73.3 72.8 72.8 72.6 71.1 71.1 70.6 70.4 70 69.8 69.8 68.9 68.9 68.9 68.9 67.2 66.1 66.1 66 65.6 63.9 63.8 63.3 61.7 61.7 61.1 60.6 60.6 58.9 58.3 58.3 57.2 56.7 56.6 55 53.9 53.3 52.8 52.8 52.2 51.2 51.1 51.1 49 49 48.9 48.3 47.8 46.8 46.1 45 45 43.3 42.8 42.5 41.2 39.6 39.6 39 38.5 37.2 37.2 36.1 35.2 32.8 31.1 31.1 28.9 28.9 28.3 28.3 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.5 27.5 27.2 26.7 26.1 25 24.4 23.9 23.3 23.3 22.2 22.2 21.7 21.7 21.4 18.7

Only the Registrar issues your final course grade. All grades for all students in CST are reviewed by the department the week after exams and your final grades are sent to the Registrar after that review. Only the Registrar issues your final course grade.

3 Overall Course ResultsIndexup to index

Below are the results for the whole course, leaving out the three students who didn’t submit anything all term:

156: Pass 96 (61.5%)  Fail 60 (38.5%)
 37 A (23.7%)    17 A-    8 A   12 A+
 29 B (18.6%)     8 B-   13 B    8 B+
 18 C (11.5%)     4 C-    6 C    8 C+
 12 D ( 7.7%)     4 D-    5 D    3 D+
 60 F (38.5%)    51 F-    9 F    0 F+
 90% - 100%  12  ************
 80% -  90%  25  *************************
 70% -  80%  29  *****************************
 60% -  70%  18  ******************
 50% -  60%  12  ************
 40% -  50%  15  ***************
 30% -  40%  16  ****************
 20% -  30%  14  **************
 10% -  20%   9  *********
  0% -  10%   6  ******

Only the Registrar issues your final course grade. All grades for all students in CST are reviewed by the department the week after exams and your final grades are sent to the Registrar after that review. Only the Registrar issues your final course grade.

Take Notes in Class

Take Notes in Class

| Ian! D. Allen, BA, MMath  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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