NOTE: The scripts and programs in this directory may have had a ".txt" suffix added, to make sure that they are treated as text when your browser downloads them. You may need to remove the ".txt" suffix to compile or run them on your own computer.

Chapter Reading/Study Guides

Feb  7 21:44 2002  chapter10.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Feb 27 14:03 2002  chapter11-revised.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Feb 27 16:13 2002  chapter14.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen

Course Notes (alphabetical order)

Feb 12 17:18 2002  CGIscript.txt   Building a CGI Script on Unix
Sep  5 13:53 2007  IB_comments.txt   Comments on DAT2330 lecture notes and slides by IB.
Dec 28 02:57 2001  README.txt   README - Index to this DAT2330 directory
Mar 19 12:29 2002  abbreviations.txt   Marking Code comment abbreviations
Sep  7 04:33 2001  acadaix_email.txt   Sending and Receiving mail on ACADAIX
Sep 14 03:43 2002  arguments_and_options.txt   Options and Arguments on Unix Command Lines
Feb  3 01:48 2002  argv.txt   $0 [args...]
Dec 28 03:05 2001  aunixserver.txt   A UNIX Server Is NO Mainframe
Feb 17 19:39 2002  badSpelling.txt   Correcting Spelling Errors after Tests
Sep  7 04:56 2001  chapter1.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Jan 21 15:48 2002  chapter2.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Sep  7 04:56 2001  chapter3.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Jan 11 00:33 2002  chapter4.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Jan 17 02:42 2002  chapter5.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Jan 20 16:10 2002  chapter7.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Jan 20 16:14 2002  chapter8.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
Oct 22 19:48 2001  echoCommands.txt   No standard for the "echo" command
Mar  1 13:42 2002  exit_status.txt   Return Code, Exit Status, ||, &&, test, and if
Dec 28 03:04 2001  floppix_boot.txt   Typical Answers for a Floppix Boot Sequence
Feb 22 13:45 2002  homeHOME.txt   Directories: current, HOME, and /home
Dec 28 02:59 2001  how_to_print.txt   DAT2330 - Unix - Prof. Ian Allen
May 30 00:00 2001  intro.txt   Notes on Assessing an Operating System
May 10 22:44 2001  introslide.txt   Summary Slide for O/S Introduction
Oct 22 19:46 2001  lessCodeIsBetter.txt   Less Code is Better Code
Jul 15 00:56 2001  openSource.txt   E-Week Editorial - Software Independence
Feb  3 22:44 2002  pathnames.txt   Unix/Linux Pathnames
Jan 17 03:37 2002  practiceCh1-5.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 1-5
Mar  4 00:50 2002  practiceCh11-14.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 5, 10, 11, 14
Feb 12 23:42 2002  practiceCh7-10.txt   Practice Unix/Linux Questions - Chapters 7-10
Jan 22 00:32 2002  quotes.txt   Unix/Linux Shell Command Line Quoting
Dec 28 03:03 2001  resetTerminal.txt   What to do if your terminal goes into graphics mode
Feb 12 17:04 2002  rotatePuzzle.txt   Unix Puzzle
Feb 18 09:38 2002  scriptChecklist10.txt   Script Checklist (to Chapter 10) -IAN!
Feb 27 16:27 2002  scriptChecklist11.txt   Script Checklist (to Chapter 11) -IAN!
May 25 03:28 2005  scripts.html   Shell Scripts Index
Jan 11 00:38 2002  test1-unix.txt   What to Study for the First Unix Test
Feb 13 22:43 2002  test2-answers-A.txt   DAT2330 Test Two A - Unix - Answers
Feb 13 22:43 2002  test2-answers-B.txt   DAT2330 Test Two B - Unix - Answers
Feb  3 01:39 2002  test2-practice1.txt   Practice Practice Practice
Feb  3 01:41 2002  test2-practice2.txt   web pages for previous terms of this course.
Feb  3 01:25 2002  test2-unix.txt   What to Study for the Second Unix Test
Mar  1 23:51 2002  test3-questions-A.txt   DAT2330 Test Three A - Unix - Questions
Mar  1 23:51 2002  test3-questions-B.txt   DAT2330 Test Three B - Unix - Questions
Feb 12 22:17 2002  test3-unix.txt   What to Study for the Third Unix Test
Mar 19 13:36 2002  test4-questions-A.txt   DAT2330 Test Four A - Unix - Questions
Mar 19 13:37 2002  test4-questions-B.txt   DAT2330 Test Four B - Unix - Questions
Mar  7 03:56 2002  test4-unix.txt   What to Study for the Fourth Test (Unix)
Feb 12 22:22 2002  test_preparation.txt   Advice in Preparing for and Writing Tests
Oct 16 01:04 2001  umask.txt   Umask and Permissions
Dec 28 03:40 2001  week1.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Jan 20 15:09 2002  week2.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Jan 11 00:26 2002  week3.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Jan 17 03:29 2002  week4.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Feb  3 02:24 2002  week5.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Feb  7 21:39 2002  week6.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.
Feb 27 14:10 2002  week7-9.txt   Supplement to Text, outlining the material done in class and lab.

Program Source

Feb 27 13:22 2002  helloWorld.cpp