Assignment 2
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2000-09-10 19:02

Windows 95 Assignment 2
Tutorials 5&6

This assignment is for sections taught by Ian Allen.

Hand in 7 printouts (marked in bold type with a number following).  For full marks, follow the course assignment submission guidelines and label each printout (by hand) using the titles T5-1, T5-2, T5-3, T5-4, T6-1a, T6-1b, T6-3 in the upper right corner of the page.

For full marks, use the correct font (Courier) for all output and make sure the lines don't wrap.

Note to Windows 98 Users: Read the Windows 98 class Note on differences between the text and your operating system.

Tutorial 5. Follow the Tutorial 5 text from Pages 187-220. (Four printouts:)

  1. Note: You may have to create a startup diskette at home.  You may not be able to create a startup disk in an Algonquin computer lab due to system policy restrictions.

    After you have created the start up diskette as illustrated in p. 193-196, add a new folder to the startup diskette's A: root directory and call it sysfiles. Copy the following files from your hard disk into the sysfiles folder on your A: diskette:


    Generate a recursive directory listing of your diskette A: including the new subfolder and print(#1) it.  (See the previous assignment on how to use DOS to get a recursive directory listing and put it into a file for printing.)  Make sure the directory listing shows all the subfolders!

  2. Continue following the text to page 201 where you finish performing the interactive boot with safe mode. Restart the computer and boot it with the menu option Logged (\BOOTLOG.TXT). This option generates a file named BOOTLOG.TXT. Display the resulting file in an application such as WordPad, Word, or WordPerfect that allows you to print one page at a time. Print(#2) the last page only.  Do not print the whole file!
  3. Continue following the text to page 220.  Omit all the printing steps.  Skip the printing on pages 212 and 216-7.  Print(#3) the screen when it matches Figure 5-32.


  4. Do Case Problem 2 on page 222. Do the print(#4) as required in Step 7.  If there is an actual device attached to your COM1, do Step 8 and write on the printout the type of device connected to that port.  Skip Step 9.

Tutorial 6. Follow Tutorial 6 text from pages 225-259. (Three printouts:)

  1. From page 229 on, create and use a shortcut to the DOS EDIT program instead of to Lotus 123. You should find EDIT.COM in the C:\Windows\Command folder.

    On p.232, assign DOS EDIT as the name of the icon, change the icon figure to an editor icon, and change the working directory to be your A: diskette drive.

    For pages 234-240, instead of opening the Lotus 123 file using the shortcut, open the BOOTLOG.TXT file using your DOS EDIT shortcut.  In DOS EDIT, mark the first 10 lines of the BOOTLOG.TXT file and paste those ten lines into WordPad.

    For pages 240-245, and page 253, replace the session using the Lotus 123 file with the following session:

    Using a text editor, create a DOS batch file containing the DOS commands that perform the tasks given below.  A DOS batch file is a text file containing DOS commands, one command per line.  The file name you choose to hold the commands must end in the extension ".bat".  For example, you might use the name mybatch.bat.  You can create this file using any plain-text text-editor, such as Notepad in Windows, or EDIT in DOS.  (You should not try to use a word processor to create the file, unless you take special care to save the file as "text only".)  After you have created the file, you should be able to see its contents clearly using either the TYPE or MORE commands in DOS:


    Make the first line of the batch file be a comment line (a REM line) with your name and Algonquin email address on it.  Make the lines following the first line be DOS command lines, one command per line, that perform the following actions:

    1. Create a new folder on floppy diskette drive A: named after your Algonquin userid (i.e. a name similar to aaaa0000).  Note: This will fail if the folder already exists!
    2. Copy file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT into the new folder created in (1).
    3. Copy file C:\CONFIG.SYS into the new folder created in (1).
    4. Display the help information abut the command attrib.
    5. Display the help information about the command sys.
    6. Display the help information about the command mem.
    7. Execute the command mem with the debug option and direct the output to a file named with your Algonquin userid and the extension ".TXT" on your A: diskette, i.e. the file name will look similar to: aaaa0000.txt on your A: diskette.
    8. Display the contents of the file in Step 7 with the type command.
    9. Display the contents of the file in Step 7 with the more command.
    10. List recursively the files in the A: root folder and all its subfolders and direct the output to a file named \dirlist.txt on the root of your A: diskette.

    Your batch file must be 11 lines long.  It will start with a REM comment line and have ten DOS command lines in it.  Use your Algonquin userid in the correct places.

    To test-run the batch file (causing all the command lines in the batch file to execute, one after the other), change directories to the directory in which the batch file resides and type its name at the DOS prompt, e.g.:

          A:\> mybatch.bat

    To avoid error messages from your batch file, make sure you erase the files and directories on the A: diskette before each test.  If you do not do this, you will get error messages when your batch file tries to create the directory and copy the files.  Make sure the files are not already there, and make sure the directory is not already there.

    1. After you have tested the batch file and are sure it works, print(#5) the batch file.  (Do not print the output from the batch file.  Print only the 11-line batch file of DOS commands itself.)
    2. Print(#6) the text file dirlist.txt created by your batch file.


  2. Continue following the text on pages 249-259, omitting any print steps.  Replace the Lotus 123 program with the DOS EDIT program when you are adding the DOS application to the Start Menu.


  3. Do Case Problem #2 on pages 261-2. Print(#7) as required in step 10.

Web Author: Ian! D. Allen
Updated: 2000-09-10 19:02