Tutorials 7-9
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2000-10-01 12:49

Windows 95 Exercises
Tutorials 7-9

Reading Exercises. Page reference to the text is given in [ ].

A. Read Tutorial 7 (pages 265 - 290), practice on a PC, and answer the following questions:

  1. What is a backup? [265]
  2. Why would you need to have your programs and data files backed up? [266]
  3. Name 3 popular backup media types. [Look in a recent computer magazine for answers & 267]
  4. What is data compression? [266]
  5. Explain the terms - backup cycle, full backup, incremental backup, and differential backup. [267-9]
  6. Explain why a company should have several copies of backups of its computer files? [269]
  7. What functions does the Microsoft Backup facility provide? [269]
  8. Explain the difference between Full backup and Full System Backup performed by the Microsoft Backup facility? What other type(s) of backup does Microsoft Backup perform? [270]
  9. What is a partial backup? What are its advantages? [270]
  10. The initial Microsoft Backup window is similar to the Explorer window, as it has empty check boxes next to folders. What are they called? What are they used for? [275]
  11. Explain the steps used to save the backup selections. Name their default file type. [288]
  12. What is a corrupted file? What can be done to get it back to normal? [282]
  13. Is it possible to restore a file to some place other than its original location? What other alternatives do you have? [284]
  14. Looking at the Figure 7-26 on page 288 of the text, is it possible to backup files located on the network drives? [288]
  15. Can you use Windows 95 backup facility to restore files backed up by earlier version of windows or MS-DOS? How can you avoid confusion when restoring files of earlier versions? [290]
B. Read Tutorial 8 Optimizing Disks (pages 295 - 318), practice on a PC, and answer the following questions:
  1. What does disk optimization imply? [295]
  2. To maintain disks, three disk utilities - ScanDisk, Disk Degragmenter, File deletion and the Recycle Bin- are needed. Explain the use of each of the above disk utilities. [295]
  3. How many FAT tables are maintained on a disk? [296]
  4. Explain how does Windows 95 keep track of its files using clusters? [296]
  5. What is a lost cluster? Windows 95 assigns a name for each found lost cluster. Give an example of the assigned name. [296]
  6. What is a cross-linked file? How does Windows 95 correct that problem? [296-7]
  7. What is the logical structure of a disk? [297]
  8. How does ScanDisk handle surface defects of a disk? [297]
  9. What is a compressed volume file? [297]
  10. What must be done before running the ScanDisk utility? [297]
  11. ScanDisk performs two types of tests - Standard and Thorough. Explain their differences. [298]
  12. How does ScanDisk repair the defects on the system area of a disk? [299]
  13. How does ScanDisk repair the defects on the data area of a disk? [299]
  14. What does ScanDisk keep a log file for? Explain it's Replace and Append options. [300]
  15. Deleting unneeded files is also called _____________________________. [303]
  16. How do you restore deleted files on a hard disk? [306-9]
  17. What is the purpose of the defragmenting utility? [310]
  18. How does a file become fragmented? [310-3]
  19. What are the disadvantages in having a fragmented file? [313]
  20. What must be done before running the Disk Defragmenter? [313]
  21. Explain the Full defragmentation option of the Disk Defragmenter. [314]
C. Read Tutorial 9 Working with Applications (pages 323 - 364), practice on a PC, and answer the following questions:
  1. What is an applet? [323]
  2. Explain the difference between multitasking and multithreading. [329-10]
  3. Explain the difference between cooperative multitasking and preemptive multitasking. [329]
  4. What is symmetic multiprocessing? [330]
  5. Explain how do you tile two windows side-by-side on the desktop? [331-2]
  6. Explain object linking and embedding. [349]
  7. What is the difference between Windows 3.1 OLE and Windows 95 OLE? [349]
  8. When you edit an embedded object, does the original object receive editing also? [350]
  9. When you edit a linked object, does the original object receive editing also ? [349]
  10. WordPad can receive linking objects from Paint. Can Paint receive linking objects from WordPad? What about NotePad? What about WordPerfect? What about Quattro? [Investigate]
  11. What is a scrap? [360-1]

Exercises originally created by Maitang Mark

Web Author: Ian! D. Allen idallen@ncf.ca
Updated: 2000-10-01 12:49