Updated: 2013-05-08 21:01 EDT
As of 1am Thursday January 17 here are the file name upload errors:
user xxxxxx96: Bad file name: Assignment01.txt
user xxxxxx13: Bad file name: assingment01.txt
user xxxxxx40: Bad file name: assignment01.txt.txt
user xxxxxx80: Bad file name: assing1xxxxxx80.txt
user xxxxxx19: Bad file name: assignment 1.tt
These students will only earn half their marks. Are you one of them? Go to your assignment upload area and check your file name!
Your in-class notes go here.
Please send me a copy of the Rap Video …
Spell your file names correctly. See above.
See the draft of Assignment #02 HTML.
or abcd1234
. These are example userids used in the notes that are meant to be replaced with your own userid. If you try repeatedly to log in to the Course Linux Server from home using these non-existent userids, your home IP address will be locked out for a day or two.Incorrect login userid abcd0001
used into the Course Linux Server causes IP lock-out:
Failed password for invalid user abcd0001 from port 36326 ssh2
refused connect from modemcable003.184-58-74.mc.videotron.ca (