Updated: 2017-01-20 00:48 EST

1 Readings, Assignments, Labs, Tests, and ToDoIndexup to index

1.1 Read (at least) these things (All The Words)Indexup to index

  1. Week 04 Notes HTML – this file – Read All The Words
  2. Practice Tests and Answers – practice questions for your midterm test.
  3. Shell GLOB patterns (wildcard pathname matching)
  4. The VI (VIM) Text Editor
  5. Shell I/O Redirection – stdin, stdout, stderr, and Pipes
  6. List of Commands You Should Know
  7. Linux and Sysadmin News in the World
  8. Video Tutorials on Lynda.com – tagged by week number

1.2 Assignments this weekIndexup to index

Check the due date for each assignment and put a reminder in your agenda, calendar, and digital assistant. Just like in the Real World, not all due dates are on the same days or at the same times.

1.3 Lab work this weekIndexup to index

1.3.1 WorksheetsIndexup to index

Worksheets are preparation for your assignments. You can’t do the assignments without having done the worksheets first, and you can’t do the worksheets without having first read the Course Notes: 1. Read. 2. Worksheet. 3. Assignment.

Form a small study group to do the worksheets. Each person tries the example given, and you make sure you all get the same answers. Worksheets are not for hand-in; they are not worth marks; the assignments test your knowledge of the lectures and worksheets.

The worksheets are available in four formats: Open Office (ODT), PDF, HTML, and Text. Only the Open Office format allows you “fill in the blanks” in the worksheet. The PDF format looks good but doesn’t allow you to type into the blanks in the worksheet. The HTML format is crude but useful for quick for viewing online.

Do NOT open the Worksheet ODT files using any Microsoft products; they will mangle the format and mis-number the questions. Use the free Libre Office or Open Office programs to open these ODT documents. On campus, you can download Libre Office here.

These first two worksheets require you to have read File System and Pathnames:

Worksheets prepare you for the upcoming assignments.

1.4 Upcoming testsIndexup to index

Read the Test Instructions (all the words) before your midterm tests. Use the Name Game link to test your name before the test. I don’t answer questions about the instructions during the test.

  1. First Midterm test: 45 minutes; in lecture class on Wednesday in Week 6 (Oct 12)
  2. Second Midterm test: 45 minutes; in lecture class on Wednesday in Week 10 (Nov 9)

Tests take place in class in your 50-minute lecture period, not in your lab period. Each midterm test is 45 minutes long and contains approximately 45 multiple-choice questions similar to those found in Practice Tests and Answers.

1.4.1 Midterm Test #1 – October 12Indexup to index

  • Midterm #1 takes place on Wednesday, October 12 (Week 6) in your scheduled lecture hour (not in your lab period).
  • For full marks, you must read the Test Instructions before the test for important directions on how to enter your name, answers, your lab (not lecture) section number, and the test version number on the question sheet and the mark-sense forms.
  • There may be more questions on the test than you can answer in the time allowed; answer the ones you know, first.
  • A set of practice questions and answers for the first midterm test is posted: Practice Tests and Answers.
    • The tests use the semicolon ; to separate multiple commands on the same line, to save space and paper, e.g. three separate commands can be written on one line like this: date ; echo "hi" ; ls
    • Do not use semicolons as an interactive human user! Type each command on its own line with the [Enter] key.
  • Blackboard has some quizzes taken randomly from the practice test. The full practice test itself is not part of your course grade, but the quizzes are part of your course grade. See below.

1.4.2 Midterm Test Quizzes Marking SchemeIndexup to index

Three Blackboard quizzes are created from the Practice Tests made available before the two Midterm tests and Final Exam.

Each Midterm and Final Exam will have an associated set of unmarked practice questions and a set of marked quizzes based on those practice questions.

See the course outline for the mark weight of all course quizzes, midterm tests, and exams.

The quizzes are open-book, but the Midterm Tests and Final Exam are closed-book (as will be your job interview).

Each Midterm Test quiz is a small sample taken from the associated full Practice Test located in Practice Tests and Answers.

Each quiz is 10 questions long and you see the answers right after you submit the quiz. You can take the quiz as many times as you like. Every time you take the quiz, you get a random set of ten questions from the practice test.

You will not see all the practice questions by doing quizzes; to see all the practice questions, you must do all the questions in the actual PDF practice test posted in the Course Notes. Review the full PDF file; don’t rely on the quizzes to prepare you for the test!

Each quiz closes just before the Final Exam in this course; quizzes submitted after the Final Exam begins may not count toward your best score.

Your mark for this quiz is the average of your five best quiz scores. Examples:

  • Your best scores: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 7 7 4
    • Your quiz mark: (10+10+10+10+10)/50 = 100%
  • Your best scores: 10 10 10 10 9 8 7 7 4 3
    • Your quiz mark: (10+10+10+10+9)/50 = 98%
  • Your best scores: 10 10 10 9 8 7 7 4 3 2
    • Your quiz mark: (10+10+10+9+8)/50 = 94%
  • Your best scores: 10 8 8 8 8 5 4 4 4
    • Your quiz mark: (10+8+8+8+8)/50 = 84%
  • Your best scores: 10 10 8 (only three quizzes submitted)
    • Your quiz mark: (10+10+8+0+0)/50 = 56%

Your score will be taken from the five best scores. The more times you do the quiz, the more likely you are to have a set of excellent best scores. You must have five perfect quiz scores to get a perfect averaged quiz mark. Missing quizzes (fewer than five) count as zeroes. Only the five best scores are averaged. (Blackboard averages all the scores and thus displays your score incorrectly. Ignore the mark on Blackboard.)

This quiz closes just before the Final Exam in this course; quizzes submitted after the Final Exam begins may not count toward your best score.

See the Assignments and Quizzes section in the Blackboard left side-bar for your course.

Note: Blackboard displays the quiz mark incorrectly, since it cannot calculate “best 5” and instead averages the marks of all your quiz attempts. Your quiz mark is actually the average of your five best attempts, not all the attempts as shown by Blackboard. Ignore the Blackboard mark; it is wrong.

2 Notes from the ClassroomIndexup to index

2.1 Did not change password – CLS access revokedIndexup to index

Students will have their CLS accounts disabled if they have not changed their default password. (I do not want people breaking into my machine because of you.)

See my online timetable for how to make an office appointment to see me if you want your account back.

2.2 Fifteen minute ruleIndexup to index

Your time as a student is valuable. See the notes from last week.

2.3 Commands UsedIndexup to index

Keep a notebook with a List of Commands in it. - You need to write down yourself what each command does. - I will check for this list in your lab periods. - Check the updated list of commands each week.

3 Attacks on the CLSIndexup to index

See last week.

4 Locked out of the CLSIndexup to index

See last week.

Take Notes in Class

Take Notes in Class

| Ian! D. Allen, BA, MMath  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
| Defend digital freedom:  http://eff.org/  and have fun:  http://fools.ca/

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