[Tue Jul 16 01:19:19 2024] indexcgi.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $filetitle in substitution (s///) at /kunden/homepages/27/d89455221/htdocs/public_html/teaching/dat2343/01f/notes/indexcgi.cgi line 569. [Tue Jul 16 01:19:19 2024] indexcgi.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $filetitle in substitution (s///) at /kunden/homepages/27/d89455221/htdocs/public_html/teaching/dat2343/01f/notes/indexcgi.cgi line 570. [Tue Jul 16 01:19:19 2024] indexcgi.cgi: Use of uninitialized value $filetitle in substr at /kunden/homepages/27/d89455221/htdocs/public_html/teaching/dat2343/01f/notes/indexcgi.cgi line 571. dat2343/01f/notes

NOTE: The scripts and programs in this directory may have had a ".txt" suffix added, to make sure that they are treated as text when your browser downloads them. You may need to remove the ".txt" suffix to compile or run them on your own computer.

Course Notes (alphabetical order)

Nov 14 21:42 2001  DOSscreenDumps.txt   How to capture DEBUG output when using DOS
Sep 25 13:02 2001  E5answer.txt   Homework E5 program. Inputs: 009 032
Aug 21 01:28 2000  ReadMe.txt   README - Index to this DAT2343 directory
Nov 26 01:59 2001  abbreviations.txt   Duplicate code. Some part of this code is duplicated unnecessarily.
Sep 16 15:13 2004  asm_control.htm   Control Structure
Nov 14 19:02 2000  asm_val_example.txt   ASM and VAL Example
Nov 14 18:58 2000  assembler_mnemonics.txt   The Relationship between Mnemonics, Bytes, Bits, and Opcodes
Sep 16 15:13 2004  assembler_programming.htm   Assembly Languate Programming
Sep 16 15:13 2004  calculating_cylinder.htm   Calculating C/H/S
Nov 20 15:18 1999  call_push.txt   a 0100
Nov 20 16:32 1999  call_push_out.txt   These comments (prefixed by '#') were added to the output file by
Sep 10 04:21 2001  debug.txt   Using DOS DEBUG - notes by Ian Allen idallen@ncf.ca
Mar 16 03:16 2018  debug_disk.htm   DAT2343 - Week 13 Hour 1
Nov 23 01:05 2001  debug_disk_answers.txt   Dumping DOS Directory Structure using DEBUG
Nov 16 14:49 2001  debug_disk_homework_N6.txt   Dumping DOS Directory Structure using DEBUG
Apr 12 23:14 2000  debug_dump.txt   
Apr 12 23:19 2000  debug_dump_out.txt   1526:0010 02 70 00 9E 07 F0 02 00-0D 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 .p..............
Nov 19 21:05 1999  debug_script.txt   mov bx,0130
Jul  6 17:06 2000  debug_script_out.txt   It shows how to enter small assembler programs into DEBUG and run them.
Sep 16 15:13 2004  decimal_i_o.htm   Decimal I/O
Sep 16 15:13 2004  discussion.htm   News & Discussion
Nov 19 08:45 2001  dump_and_asm_practice.txt   DEBUG dump interpretation practice
Sep 16 15:13 2004  early_material.htm   Early Material
Feb  6 09:51 2000  ebcdic_dump.txt   EBCDIC encoding by Ian Allen idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 16 15:13 2004  endian_wars.htm   Endian Wars
Sep 16 15:13 2004  executable_formats.htm   Executable Formats
Nov 30 05:08 2001  filesystem_homework_N7.txt   File System Homework
Aug 28 00:00 2001  first_homework.txt   DAT2343 - First Homework
Sep 24 00:00 2001  fosolmc-1.3.0.exe   
Sep 24 00:00 2001  fosolmc.exe   
Sep 24 00:00 2001  graphic_lmc.exe   
Nov 20 16:01 1999  int_push.txt   a 0100
Nov 20 16:01 1999  int_push_out.txt   and how it loads CS:IP from the interrupt vector in low memory.
Sep  7 03:29 2001  left_right_shift.txt   From: idallen@freenet.carleton.ca (Ian! D. Allen)
Oct 21 21:45 2001  lmc_comments.txt   Comments on Project 2 Submissions
Sep 16 15:13 2004  lmc_control.htm   LMC Condition
Oct 10 17:22 2001  lmc_gcd_homework_N4.txt   Greatest Common Divisor Program (Version 2)
Oct 10 17:16 2001  lmc_gcd_v1.txt   Greatest Common Divisor Program (Version 1)
Oct 15 00:00 2001  lmc_gcd_v2.txt   Greatest Common Divisor Program (Version 2)
Sep 26 03:34 2001  lmc_homework_N1.txt   Added LMC Coding Exercise #1
Sep 25 10:00 2001  lmc_homework_N2.txt   Added LMC Coding Exercise #2
Oct 14 01:35 2001  lmc_indirect.txt   LMC Indirection
Sep 25 10:23 2001  lmc_instruction_cycle.txt   The Little Man Computer Instruction Cycle
Sep 16 15:13 2004  lmc_lights.htm   LMC Negative Flag
Oct 13 22:20 2001  lmc_nextIO.txt   How to use the Next I/O Button
Sep 24 01:35 2001  lmc_opcodes.htm   LMC Opcodes
Sep 25 10:00 2001  lmc_sample1.txt   IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 25 10:00 2001  lmc_sample2.txt   IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 25 10:00 2001  lmc_sample3.txt   IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 27 13:55 2001  lmc_sample4.txt   LMC Sample Program -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 27 13:54 2001  lmc_sample5.txt   LMC Sample Program -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 27 15:06 2001  lmc_sample6.txt   LMC Sample Program -IAN! idallen@ncf.ca
Sep 28 00:23 2001  lmc_simulators.txt   The Little Man Computer Simulators
Sep 26 18:40 2001  makefloat.txt   /* Make a floating point value in a file.
Sep 28 21:42 2001  makefloat_example.txt   Using the MAKEFLOAT program
Nov 14 19:11 2000  noecho_lst.txt   LST file output from ASM for NOECHO.ASM
Nov 15 22:42 2000  noechofix_homework_N5.txt   Intel Assembler Homework
Jan  5 16:26 2003  notesindex.htm   If the automatic refresh doesn't take you there, you can: Select Here for Notes Index
Oct  2 17:51 2001  object_file_format.txt   External "Object" Files and Libraries
Sep 23 23:32 2001  operation_output_size.txt   DAT2343 - Size needed for output of ADD and MUL
Feb 26 18:47 2011  overflow.txt   The CARRY flag and OVERFLOW flag in binary arithmetic
Sep 16 15:13 2004  programs_style.htm   Sample Programs and Program Style
Sep 16 15:13 2004  project_1.htm   DAT2343 - Project 1
Jul 17 20:59 2005  project_2.htm   Project 2
Jul 17 20:14 2005  project_2b.htm   Project 2
Jul 17 20:14 2005  project_2unused.htm   DAT2343 - Project 2
Sep 16 15:13 2004  project_3.htm   Project 3
Sep 16 15:13 2004  project_3b.htm   DAT2343 - Project 3
Sep 16 15:13 2004  project_4.htm   DAT2343 - PROJECT 4
Nov 20 14:38 1999  push_pop.txt   mov ax,5678
Nov 20 14:37 1999  push_pop_out.txt   and POP gets them off again.
Oct 15 00:00 2001  reloc_link_answer.txt   Answers for Relocation and Linking Problem
Oct  2 17:48 2001  reloc_link_homework_N3.txt   Relocation and Linking Homework #1
Mar 16 03:16 2018  reserved_words.htm   ASM Reserved Words
Sep 16 15:13 2004  resources.htm   Resources
Sep 23 21:51 2001  revised_homework.txt   DAT2343 Fall 2001 - Revised Homework collection scheme
Sep 16 15:13 2004  test.htm   
Oct 12 00:00 2001  three_bubblesort.txt   Largest Value of Three
Sep 16 15:13 2004  useNewsgroupHomework.htm   DAT2343 - Using Newsgroups Homework
Sep 16 15:13 2004  using_dos_debug.htm   DEBUG Basics
Sep 16 15:13 2004  weekly_schedule.htm   DAT2343 Weekly Schedule

Program Source

Apr  3 09:55 2000  addtwo.asm   
Jan  5 16:26 2003  first.asm   
Apr  3 09:53 2000  getshow.asm   
Nov 15 13:10 2000  labels.asm   
Oct 31 15:56 2000  noecho.asm   
Oct 31 18:55 2000  onepage.asm   
Jan  5 16:46 2003  series.asm   
Oct 31 19:13 2000  stars.asm   
Oct 31 19:53 2000  tail.asm   


Sep 16 15:13 2004  text_errata.htm   Text Errata

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams

Jul 17 19:42 2005  final_exam.htm   Final Exam

Data Files and Media (binary)

Nov 30 02:56 2001  inodetable.png   
Sep 28 00:20 2001  clonesolmc-2.00-2ian.zip   
Sep 28 00:20 2001  clonesolmc.zip   
Sep 24 00:00 2001  fosolmc-1.3.0-1ian.zip