Updated: 2013-05-08 21:01 EDT

1 Readings, Assignments, Labs, and ToDoIndexup to index

2 Final Exam – April 24 1:30pm in C144Indexup to index

4 From the Classroom Whiteboard/ChalkboardIndexup to index

5 Some CommandsIndexup to index

Keep a notebook with a List of Commands in it.

6 Real Sysadmin WorkIndexup to index

Finding things that are not symbolic links that have other write permissions:

find dir ! -type l -perm /o+w -ls

You are now logging in to multiple machines. Set your shell PS1 prompt to include the machine name, so that you don’t type the wrong command on the wrong machine!

| Ian! D. Allen  -  idallen@idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home Page: http://idallen.com/   Contact Improv: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
| Defend digital freedom:  http://eff.org/  and have fun:  http://fools.ca/

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